Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Man Who Would Be King... of combos

Long ago, before the age of mankind, there were wondrous creatures and beings that roamed the Earth.

Despite these times being devoid of humans, the basic fundamentals remained the same:

Once mankind came into being, those same laws of physics were set in stone.  And had to be obeyed....

Until one man decided to break it all:

Armed with a hammer that made the very gods weep for mercy, he singlehandedly broke down the barriers of regular restrictions and began to live by his only mantra:

"I MUST BREAK THE GAME...  of Magic"

This act of treachery created a vortex that reshaped the known world


Henceforth known only as "He who must not be named (in Dan's house, for fear of being yelled at)", he began to invent new concepts that likened to his own image.

Some consider him a blasphemous prophet.  Others a mortal whom ascended into godhood.  But all questions were silenced when his avatar was chosen.

Mikaeus: The Unhallowed

And the world went:

Only a few dared to stand up against this avatar's power.  And thus, The Fellowship of Nerds were formed.

Who is this Fellowship?  No one knows... well maybe one person does:

But that's beside the point.

The goal of this Fellowship? To grab The One (sol) Ring from this man, when he's not looking (perhaps while he's watching sports. Or maybe sneaking into his home late morning), and then tearing it up so he never has the mana to bring out his Commander.

Good luck to us all.

Btw Labelle's work schedule is Monday thru Friday, and he leaves his cards unattended on his bedroom dresser....


Speak Yo mind ---->