Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fresh Bans and Unbans

As many might have already noted, the commander ban-list has been updated. Gone entirely are "banned as commander" cards in support of a unified single ban-list. As a result the following cards are now completely banned from being played.


Braids, Cabal Minion: An oppressive card that was formally "commander banned" but is now just outright banned in the format. I have no problem with this one, way too many ways to abuse it.

Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary: This will have people up in arms, while banning him as a commander was a no brainer, mono green decks once again take a huge hit with this one being gone now completely. A lot of decks used this (formerly $25 card) for ramp in their mono green decks (sorry Higgins)

Erayo, Soratami Ascendant / Erayo Essence: I dont think this one needed the extra ban as a playable card, but at the same time im not sad to see it go. Lots of ways to abuse it, and its one of those "un-fun" cards that limits player interactions.

On the Flip side there are also two major (un-banned) cards, one with the potential to be a commander himself.


Kokusho, the Evening Star: That was the sound of a million commander players screaming out in fear and being suddenly silenced. Yes Kokusho can now be played as a commander *shudder*. I really dont like the idea of him being easily accessible for combos in the command zone. There are so many potential combos to abuse him with. Good luck out there, its a more dangerous world with Kokusho in command now.

Metalworker: The one bright spot in all of this, is Metalworker. Welcome home lil-buddy, glad to have you in EDH. I think this was a great un-ban on a really neat card that will be GREAT for artifact decks (check out my upcoming Deck Article on Kurkesh, where he makes an appearance). With him out and an artifact heavy hand you can make a neat little profit of colorless mana with him and ramp out some BIG artifacts. Plus look at his art: he's hillariously cute.

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